अकादमिक परिषद



Relevant section No. of the Act 13 (1)

S. No

Provision of the Section

Name of Person

 (year/period of nomination)
1 The Vice-Chancellor Dr. Abhay Kumar Vyas Ex-officio Chairman
2 The Director Research Dr. S. K. Jain Ex-officio member
3 The Director, Extension Education Dr. Pratap Singh Ex-officio member
4 The Director, PM&E Dr. Mukesh Chand Goyal Ex-officio member
5 The Director, Students Welfare Dr. M. C. Jain Ex-officio member
6 The Director, HRD Dr. Mahendra Singh Ex-officio member
7 The Chairpersons of all faculties    
8 The Deans of all constituent colleges
  1. Dr. Ashutosh Mishra, Dean, College of Horticulture & Forestry, Jhalawar
  2. Dr. Virendra Singh, Dean, College of Agriculture, Ummedganj, Kota
  3. Dr. N.L.Meena, Dean, College of Agriculture, Hindoli
Ex-officio member
9 The Controller of Examinations  Dr. S.C. Sharma Ex-officio member
10 The University Heads of all the departments from each faculty (from teaching campuses only not below the  rank of Associate Professor)
  1. Dr. Ashutosh Mishra, Professor & Head, Flori. & Landscaping
  2. Dr. M.C. Jain, Professor & Head, Horticulture)
  3. Dr. S.B.S.Pandey, Asso. Prof., Silvi. & Agroforestry
  4. Dr. Preeti Verma, Asso. Prof., PB&G
  5. Dr. B.S. Meena, Asso. Prof.& Head, Agronomy
  6. Dr. M.K. Sharma, Asso. Prof. & Head, Soil Science
  7. Dr. C.B. Meena, Asso. Prof. & Head, Plant Pathology
  8. Dr. K.C. Meena, Asso. Prof. & Head, Agricultural Extension and Communication
  9. Dr. B.K. Patidar, Asso. Prof. & Head, Entomology
2 years
11 One teacher of the Professor rank from each Faculty to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor on rotational basis  Dr. Harish Verma
 Professor, Entomology
2 years
12 One eminent Agricultural Educationist from outside of the University  Dr. R.K. Rai

Ex-Prof & Head, Division of Agronomy, IARI, New Delhi

2 years
13. Under section 13 (2) of      A. U. Kota Act, 2013. Four persons to secure adequate representation of different sectors of agriculture and allied fields
  1. Prof. B.L. Baser
  2.  Ex-Head, Department of Soil Science, RCA, Udaipur
  3. Prof. Man Singh
  4. Project Director, Water Technology Centre, IARI, New Delhi.
  5. Prof. B.K. Sharma
  6. Ex-Director Education, SKNAU, Jobner
  7. 4.Prof. S.L. Mundra
  8. Ex-Director Extension Education, MPUAT, Udaipur
2 years
14 The Registrar, Member Smt. Manisha Tiwari Ex-officio member
15  The Director of Education  Dr. I.B.Maurya Member Secretary
नोडल अधिकारी

नोडल अधिकारी: डॉ. चिराग गौतम
ईमेल: nodal_web@aukota.org


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